Al’s Corner – September 2020

               Cardinal Night is Sept. 11th

                 137 days of 10,000 steps per day, and counting

The home stretch of 2020 is here, so that means it is time for another Al’s Corner note. This time it is for September. Many tickets remain for Cardinal Night, and we will need lots of our transportation clubbers to pick up a few tickets. I realize that the price is steep at $150 for this all-inclusive night, but it may be the only game you will see (somewhat from Ballpark Village) this year. Only 1/3 of the seats are being sold, so we should be able to keep a safe distance.  Please call Brad and buy some tickets. I will even buy everyone that comes a drink that night!  Oh, forgot, it is all inclusive!

Transportation Talk—When it comes to the logistics and transportation side of the business, available equipment (trucks to move loads) is getting tighter. This is especially true when it comes to “spot market pricing.” Prices have skyrocketed. I think it has surprised everyone in the industry. On Intermodal shipping, my cousin Ken, who owns and operates Middle Bay Memphis (mostly Intermodal trucking), has seen his business pick up too over the past few months. Ken is the best, so if you need anything moved there call him (my commercial for my cousin, sorry, and no he did not pay me!). I have several thoughts as to why it is tighter. One is because many shipping companies are trying to play catch up for lost shipping during the pandemic. Plus, Christmas inbound freight is now brought in earlier, and we also have seasonal freight like beverages that people drink more of because of the heat, and even produce vegetables causes increased demand. Some trucking companies have closed as well due to low rates and tightening equipment supply, but that seems like it is the least of the reasons. Also, two hurricanes have just hit between Houston and New Orleans, so who knows the damage and disruption (I pray not much) it has caused. Big weather events like these can affect the whole country negatively for months in terms of transportation and shipping issues, but even more so the localities that get hit the hardest. Be safe everyone!

First Topic and other thoughts

Looking ahead to better days. Why?  Since I am an extremely optimistic person, I am hopeful that the end of this virus is getting closer as a vaccine(s) is now insight. Will it be by November, or will it be in January? The quicker the better. Treatment is getting stronger by the day too, as our health care industry is the best, another reason to be more optimistic. Our healthcare network adapts quickly and gets better at treatment for all diseases and viruses.

 I hear some people say things will never be the same, with the inference that it will always be worse than before. I disagree with this notion. I think we will be more prepared for events likes this in the future, we must, a wakeup call. To me, the world seems to be continuingly improving all the time, but most do not see it as we are too close to the situation. For example, years ago my dad bought a color TV, and something called a microwave oven around 1968.  Huge at the time. I guarantee I am one of the first (probably last too) to eat a microwaved hamburger. Now look at TV’s, incredible. The World Wide Web Internet started in 1991 and has continually grown and gotten better ever since. The world revolves around it. Think about it, anyone with a good cell phone can be instantly be connected anywhere in the entire world and even see them too. Amazing! Who would have believed that 50 years ago? HIV was at its peak in 2004, and it still occurs, and has no cure (yet I think it is coming too) but is controlled to where people do not even discuss it. The reason I have gone off on a tangent is I think many people in general feel that things will never be the same again. The same?  Maybe not, but better, in some ways, yes!!! Want an example? Churches now seem to be filled with a doomsday feeling that they will never be full again. Some will, but many will not make it as people do not go as much as they used to anyway. The virus is not the reason. But overall, I see the churches being successful again. Look at what happened because of the virus—virtual church or online church. Huge improvement! For me, I like going to church, I need it, so I will go again. 

On Social Unrest—It has happened before, lots of times, and WE will get through this, and improvements will happen. Why? We are the greatest nation that ever was, is. But everything, like all the things I mentioned above, took time. Just a thought “how one person lives now or grew up, and what they are comfortable with from their history, may not work for other people, whose past was different or not that great, nor is their present day.” In all things, change is a given. 

Effects from the Virus—We should not forget that people of all races and backgrounds have endured some very tough times of loss of friends and relatives, and their jobs during the past 6 months.  My heart and prayers are with you and hope that great days are ahead!

Huge election is coming up, and I am ready for the arguing and bickering to end. Hopefully, it will at least slow when it is over (this I am less optimistic about sadly). So, get out there and vote or you will be leaving it either way to someone else.

Second topical topic—Last week I was getting a few extra steps in at the mall as I continue to try and get at least 10,000 steps per day (135 days in row) a thought crossed my mind. I have been going to this mall for nearly 50 years. It was amazing to me that almost everyone was wearing a mask. Looking back, if I had been transported in some way into the future, what would I have thought had happened that would have caused everyone to be wearing a mask indoors? My first few thoughts would have been a nuclear event, chemical attack, or perhaps an asteroid hit. But those things I would have thought would be mostly outdoor issues. A virus would have been low on my list probably because I have never experienced one before. I have asked a few other people what they may have thought about it and I only got a few answers.  One person said, “everyone would be criminals now.” I think he said that tongue in cheek.  The others I asked really had no thoughts on it, but a few said a highly infectious dangerous flu. Without question I would have been confused by what had happened. Come to think of it, I still am now! It is still weird that I carry a mask in one pocket and hand sanitizer in the other. I may though, carry hand sanitizer forever.

Potential topic for my next note (funny)—I did have someone say that I should write this note about items that you mysteriously cannot find in the stores now. Ok, I know you cannot find Sani Wipes and such, but one lady said Vlasic Dill Pickle Spears, what??? Another was Zia’s Sweet Italian Oil and Vinegar Dressing too. Stop the press, this cannot be? How will we ever survive without pickles and salad dressing???

Have a great month, keep your chin up, better days are ahead.

AL Hursey Rockfarm STL 

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