July Carrier Spotlight- R & S Express

Each month moving forward, Rockfarm St. Louis will highlight one of the amazing carriers we work with. This month we are especially grateful for our relationship with R & S Express and want you to learn more about this wonderful company.

The History of R & S Express

In 2005, R & S Express founder, Seid Rahmanović, took a job as a dispatcher at a local trucking company. After working there for 5 years, he had learned a great deal about how to run a business as the lead dispatcher and began to think about starting a company of his own.

“With a little bit of coaxing from my family and friends, I opened up my own company in 2010, and I never looked back.” Rahmanović said.

Seid Rahmanović with Rockfarm St. Louis’ Debbie Becherer and Brad Reinhardt

Excellent Trucking Services

They offer full truckload services in the continental United States. They currently work primarily in the Midwest, the south, and in several western states.

According to Rahmanović, “We have yet to book a load to Alaska, but we would love to go there!”

R & S Express Truck

What separates R & S Express from their competition?

Rahmanović said, “We truly strive to gain the trust of our customers. We have and will continue to go above and beyond to provide a reliable and trustworthy service. One of the things that we focus on is hiring top notch drivers, as they are on the front lines of our business.”

The Effects of COVID-19

The R & S Express office setting has not experienced many significant changes as they are all able to work on site while maintaining local social distancing standards. Their drivers, however, are having to take extra precautions while doing their jobs so that they and those around them stay healthy and safe.

“It has certainly been a difficult time for all small businesses, but especially for the trucking industry,” Rahmanović said. “We are lucky to have fostered close relationships with our customers, so that in times of need we are all willing to be more flexible in order to fulfill each other’s needs.”

R & S Express Truck

Looking to the Future

“Our long-term goal is to always provide a reliable service to our customers whether they be new customers or those that we have worked with for over a decade.” Rahmanović said.

They also hope to continue expanding their fleet to meet the ever-growing demands of the industry.

Our Relationship

“We have been working with R & S Express for the past 7 years and have nothing but great things to say about the wonderful partnership we have grown together. They have always provided us with supreme service and dedication,” Debbie Becherer, our Vice President of Operations said. “I look forward to continuing to grow our relationship for many, many more years. They are an absolutely awesome company to work with, and I just want to thank them for all the help they always provide us.”

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